Don't forget to set your clocks ahead Saturday night!

Daylight saving in effect Sunday March 10th!

Who We Are

Who We Are

All of the services at Okotoks Calvary Fellowship center on teaching the Bible, fellowship, worship and prayer.  Acts 2:42: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Our mission is to call people to a genuine & authentic relationship with Jesus. Worship is Christ centered & we study the Bible verse by verse. Visitors welcome.

What to Expect

Bible study icon.

Because We Study the Bible
You can expect to be spoken to by the Lord.

Worship guitar icon.

Because We Worship
You can expect to sense the presence of the Lord.

Fellowship icon.

Because We Fellowship
You can expect to be encouraged through God's people.

Praying hands icon.

Because We Pray
You can expect God to be at work in your life.

Our Pastor

Photo of Pastor John Peters.

Pastor John Peters

Pastor John was raised in a Christian home, in fact, both his father and grandfather were Pastors. He is very grateful to have had that rich Christian heritage which helped to cultivate a strong love for Jesus and His Word. As a child, John received Jesus Christ as His own personal Lord and Savior which has served as the foundation for his life and now ministry. In John’s graduating year, he felt a strong calling into full-time Christian service. He had no idea what that would look like, he just knew that the Lord was leading him down that road. Upon graduation, he spent the next 5 years studying at Northwest Baptist Theological College in Vancouver BC completing a Bachelor of Religious Education in Christian Education & Church Music. Since that time, John has served in varying ministry positions including almost 11 years of service as the Minister of Music at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Calgary. In the fall of 2016, Pastor John felt that the Lord was calling him to “more”, but more what? He enrolled in a church planters training program at RMCC for 1 year which eventually developed into a Bible study in Okotoks, AB. After 2 years of continual growth, on March 1st, 2020, Okotoks Calvary Fellowship was born. Pastor John has a passion for people and seeing them grounded and growing in God’s Word. John has been married to his wife, Tracie for over 30 years and together they have 4 grown children; Tyler, Josh (Emily), Ryan (Erin) & Emilie.

Josh and Emily

Josh Peters (Youth Director)

Josh was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. Josh grew up in a Christian home and at a very young age, God got a hold of his heart. In 2013, at the young age of just 16 years, Josh felt the Lord calling Him into missions. With courage and faith, he joined a 6-week summer mission team called A Vision For Life which was put on by Calvary Chapel Bible College in Vajta, Hungary. This was a life changing experience for him. Upon graduation from High School in 2015, Josh felt God’s call yet again as he set out for Bible college at CCBC in Murrieta, CA. After a year of training, he transferred to CCBC in Cajamarca, Peru where he completed his studies. In September of 2020, during the height of the pandemic, Josh married his sweetheart Emily, whom he had met while studying at Murrieta. Together they faithfully serve the youth at OCF. Josh & Emily both have such a love for our young people. Their passion is to see them grow in their faith as they faithfully teach and live out God’s Word. Their desire is to help them navigate the challenges of growing up in today’s culture.



Prayer is central to our relationship with God, and for this reason we at OCF make prayer part of everything we do. We pray because God has chosen prayer as a means of working through His people to accomplish His purposes in the world and we pray together because the main Biblical model of prayer is corporate (Matthew 6:9, Acts 2:42, James 5:16)

We welcome your prayer requests, and your praise reports and we would be most happy to join with you before His throne.

Join us on a Sunday morning and someone from our prayer team would be happy to pray with you.


Our mission is to draw children to Christ by teaching from the Bible and showing them what it means to live for God. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven’” Matthew 19:14

Koinonia Okotoks Youth

Josh Peters

Our goal is to equip the youth at Okotoks Calvary Fellowship with the tools to face the ever changing world. We aim to solidify their foundations while setting up the framework of the Christian life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.